Society of the Emeriti
The Society of the Emeriti (SOTE) was formed in 1978 under the direction of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to provide a way for emeriti faculty to stay connected to the university after retirement. When the society was first formed, it was agreed that its purpose was, as past President George Steiner noted, "To enjoy the pleasures of one another's company and to keep abreast of the University's activities." There is no constitution, no by-laws, and no dues. Various benefits across campus accompany membership.
For several years, the primary purpose of the society was to organize social events for emeriti faculty, such as monthly luncheons, enabling them to gather and stay in touch with each other and GW. More recently, the society created an advisory council to provide guidance for annual programming, manage the new undergraduate research mentor project, and oversee the development of the legacy project.
Membership Benefits
GW Courses: As part of the GW community, we feel it is essential to offer SOTE members an opportunity to participate in the tuition remission benefits at GW:
Health and Wellness Centers: Complimentary memberships for Lerner Health and Wellness Center (Foggy Bottom) and the Mount Vernon campus exercise room are available.
Library Access: Faculty emeriti are entitled to the same library privileges as current faculty members. For more information, visit: Library
Parking: Complimentary SOTE parking for the Foggy Bottom campus is in the Academic Center parking garage (801 22nd Street, NW) or the Lerner Health and Wellness Center (2301 G St, NW).
SOTE Business Cards / SOTE Pin: If you desire to purchase personalized GW business cards and/or the gold SOTE pin, please reach out to the SOTE office via email, [email protected], and allow up to a month for order, shipping, and delivery.
SOTE Advisory Council
The advisory council guides the Faculty Affairs office regarding the annual programming of the Society.
- Peggye Cohen, Vice President Emerita for Institutional Research
- Robert F. Dyer, Professor Emeritus of Marketing
- Guillermo Gutierrez, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine, and Engineering
- Christina Meloni, Associate Professor Emeritus of English as a Foreign Language
- Martha Pardavi-Horvath, Professor Emerita of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Kym Rice, Associate Professor Emerita of Museum Studies
- Arnold Schwartz, Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Surgery
- Charles Toftoy, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management Science