Part-Time Faculty

Part-time faculty are valued and integral members of the George Washington University community.  GW is fortunate to have talented part-time faculty drawn from various fields across the nation’s Capitol and the world.  They enrich and enhance our students’ academic experience by sharing experiential knowledge and expertise from their various fields.

Who Are Our Part-Time Faculty?

Part-time faculty serve a vital role in all ten schools of the University.  Approximately 53.4% of the faculty at GW are part-time faculty. 

GW Part-Time Faculty Directory

Part-time faculty may use the GW Part-Time Faculty Directory to connect with colleagues across the University via GW email.

How Does the Office of Faculty Affairs Serve Part-Time Faculty?

The Office of Faculty Affairs works with part-time faculty, University schools and departments on all aspects of the part-time faculty life cycle at the University. We provide information, service, and advice on matters related to part-time faculty personnel matters such as appointments, reappointments, compensation and evaluations.  

The Office of Faculty Affairs counsels part-time faculty as well as schools and departments on the application of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the part-time faculty union and the University.  

Part-time faculty, University administrators and staff are encouraged to contact the Director of Part Time Faculty Personnel Administration Debra Churos ( if they have questions about the Collective Bargaining Agreement or any other aspects of part-time faculty life at GW.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

Many of the part-time faculty at GW are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500, the part-time faculty union. For more information regarding your federally protected rights as a unionized employee of George Washington University, please visit the National Labor Relations Board website.


Regular evaluations of part-time faculty serve an essential role in supporting teaching excellence and aiding the communication process between part-time faculty and administrators.  Periodic evaluations are also required for part-time faculty covered by the The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Resources and Support

University resources are available for part-time faculty and those who work with part-time faculty at GW.  The Director of Part-Time Faculty Personnel Administration provides consultation and guidance on matters related to part-time faculty.  The Faculty and Staff Service Center provides support in the areas of parking and transportation services, payroll and tax services and benefits administration.  Part-time faculty may access the Wellbeing Hotline and can access GW Wellness for information on resources available across the University and discounts from vendors.

Professional Development Fund

Part-time faculty who meet the criteria for good faith consideration as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement may apply for reimbursement of up to $1,400 for professional development activities related to their teaching assignment or discipline. 


Debra Churos, Director of Part-Time Faculty Personnel Administration