Annual Reporting

All merit-eligible faculty members (unless otherwise arranged with their dean and subject to Provost approval, these are full-time faculty excluding visitors) are required to file annual reports. In certain circumstances schools may require other categories of faculty to periodically submit annual reports, e.g., as part of a re-accreditation review.

The faculty merit cycle will continue to coincide with the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). For all schools, the reporting period for this year will be January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. Please note that faculty members will receive an automated email notification after the dean’s comments have been entered and once the complete Annual Report is made available for review.

To ensure completion of the reporting and review processes prior to July 1, 2025, the following schedule applies: 

  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024: The system will open to all full-time faculty for them to complete faculty annual reports.
  • Monday, February 10, 2025: Deadline for faculty submission of annual reports.
  • Monday, March 17, 2025: Deadline for department chair and/or program director’s comments.
  • Monday, April 14, 2025: Deadline for Dean’s comments.

Lyterati Annual Reporting System  

Reporting Schools: CCAS, CPS, ESIA, GSEHD, LAW, SMHS


Elements Annual Reporting System  

Reporting Schools: GWSB, SEAS, SON, and SPH


Note Regarding 2024 Annual Report

We are excited to announce the next step in improving our faculty information and annual reporting systems: the phased rollout of the Symplectic Elements Faculty Information System, or “Elements,” which we intend will eventually replace our current system, Lyterati. This decision has been carefully considered over several years, with extensive research, evaluation, and input from various committees and stakeholders to ensure we adopt the best possible system for our needs.


Due to faculty feedback regarding the Lyterati annual reporting system, a team led by Geneva Henry, Dean of Libraries and Academic Innovation, began an effort in 2018 to identify a new Faculty Information System. Initial recommendations were made in 2019, but the COVID-19 pandemic delayed progress. In 2022, the efforts were renewed through the Office for Faculty Affairs.

Demonstrations of several Faculty Information Systems, including Lyterati, were arranged, and faculty and academic deans attended and were continually engaged through the decision-making process. They provided feedback on what system would work best for GW according to the needs and preferences of our faculty.

What to Expect

  • For Phase I of Elements implementation, occurring during the 2024 Annual Report (AR) cycle: Both Lyterati and Elements will run in parallel.

    • Faculty from the School of Business, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the School of Nursing, and the Milken Institute School of Public Health will use Elements to curate their profiles and complete their AR for 2024.
    • Phase I schools were chosen based on their relative size and homogeneity, which is anticipated to present fewer complexities and make them ideal candidates for testing and refining the system before expanding to other schools.
    • Faculty from all other schools will use Lyterati for one final AR cycle.
  • For Phase II of Elements implementation, occurring during the 2025 Annual Report cycle and beyond: We intend that faculty from all schools will fully transition to Elements, and Lyterati will be decommissioned. All data from Lyterati will be archived to ensure no information is lost during the transition.