Larrie Greenberg

Office: Medical Educations
Curriculum planning, Faculty development and evaluation
I have been involved in the process of education for 40 years and have 260 peer reviewed publications, most of which are educationally-related. I have published in many areas but my major focus has been teaching others how to teach and communication skills.
Educating Pediatric Residents about Breastfeeding Evaluation of 3 Time-Efficient Teaching Strategies
JAF Tender, S Cuzzi, T Kind, SJ Simmens, B Blatt, L Greenberg
Journal of Human Lactation, 0890334414548459
Developing a Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Residency Orientation Programs
R Lucas, T Choudhri, C Roche, C Ranniger, L Greenberg
The Journal of emergency medicine 46 (5), 701-705
Communication skills training for resident physicians
B Blatt, NA Spinazzi, L Greenberg
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication, 294
Do empathy, perspective-taking, sense of power and personality differ across undergraduate education and are they inter-related?
RL Toto, L Man, B Blatt, SJ Simmens, L Greenberg
Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-9
Residents-as-Teachers Publications: What Can Programs Learn From the Literature When Starting a New, or Refining an Established, Curriculum?
KK Bree, SA Whicker, HB Fromme, S Paik, L Greenberg
Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Teaching Trainees to Prevent Medical Errors May Decrease the Need for Disclosure
F Cogen, L Greenberg
Academic Medicine 89 (3), 372
"Moments of Magic” Require Culture Change
L Greenberg, K Tully, J Keller, B Blatt
Academic Medicine 88 (11), 1593
In Reply to Kalmey
L Greenberg
Academic Medicine 88 (8), 1054
More about medical students’ attendance at lectures
L Greenberg
Academic Medicine 88 (2), 149
Anesthesiology Residents-as-Teachers Program: A Pilot Study
JS Berger, N Daneshpayeh, M Sherman, N Gaba, J Keller, L Perel, B Blatt, ...
Journal of graduate medical education 4 (4), 525-528
Preparing students to be academicians: a national student-led summer program in teaching, leadership, scholarship, and academic medical career-building
MM Coleman, B Blatt, L Greenberg
Academic Medicine 87 (12), 1734-1741
A Learner-Centered Diabetes Management Curriculum Reducing resident errors on an inpatient diabetes pathway
DJ DeSalvo, LW Greenberg, CL Henderson, FR Cogen
Diabetes care 35 (11), 2188-2193
122 Residents as Teachers: Integration of a Formal Certificate in Education Program into Residency Training
ZN Litvack, L Greenberg, B Blatt, N Gaba, AJ Caputy
Neurosurgery 71 (2), E550
Dr. Cora-Bramble
D Cora-Bramble, E Fuentes-Afflick, L Greenberg, PR Haut, MW Lieh-Lai, ...
AAP News 33 (4), 24
Using a Commercially Available Web-Based Evaluation System to Enhance Residents' Teaching
JM Keller, B Blatt, M Plack, ND Gaba, L Greenberg
Journal of graduate medical education 4 (1), 64-67
A pediatric resident diabetes curriculum targeting different learning styles
E Goldman, K Shah, L Greenberg, FR Cogen
Diabetes Spectrum 25 (1), 45-48
This issue: perspectives on pediatric medical education.
L Greenberg
Pediatric annals 40 (12), 586, 588-586, 588
New paradigms in continuing medical education.
C Megli, D Agrawal, M Ottolini, L Greenberg
Pediatric annals 40 (12), 617
Using observed structured teaching exercises (OSTE) to enhance hospitalist teaching during family centered rounds
M Ottolini, R Wohlberg, K Lewis, L Greenberg
Journal of Hospital Medicine 6 (7), 423-427
New educational modules offer tough case studies around humanistic issues
J Reichert, S Bognar, LW Greenberg, M Godoy, KY Durgans
Journal of Cancer Education 26 (2), 386-387
Pediatric resident-as-teacher curricula: a national survey of existing programs and future needs
HB Fromme, SA Whicker, S Paik, L Konopasek, JL Koestler, B Wood, ...
Journal of graduate medical education 3 (2), 168-175
Medical Education-Physicians frequently have the opportunity to serve as educators and to show new doctors the best ways to handle problems within practice. Attention to medical education can improve quality of care for patients and also improve the professional experience for clinicians.
L Greenberg
Pediatric Annals 40 (9)
Relationship Express: A Pilot Program to Teach Anesthesiology Residents Communication Skills
JS Berger, B Blatt, B McGrath, L Greenberg, MJ Berrigan
Journal of graduate medical education 2 (4), 600-603
Interdisciplinary research on patient-provider communication: a cross-method comparison.
WY Chou, P Han, A Pilsner, K Coa, L Greenberg, B Blatt
Communication & medicine 8 (1), 29-40
Teaching medical students how to teach: a national survey of students-as-teachers programs in US medical schools
RP Soriano, B Blatt, L Coplit, E CichoskiKelly, L Kosowicz, L Newman, ...
Academic Medicine 85 (11), 1725-1731
Does perspective-taking increase patient satisfaction in medical encounters?
B Blatt, SF LeLacheur, AD Galinsky, SJ Simmens, L Greenberg
Academic Medicine 85 (9), 1445-1452
5. Pediatric Resident-as-Teacher Curriculum: A National Survey of Existing Programs and Future Needs
SA Whicker, HB Fromme, S Paik, L Greenberg, JL Koestler, L Konopasek, ...
Academic Pediatrics 10 (4), e6
L Greenberg
PEDIATRIC ANNALS 39 (5), 264-264
The role of the physician-educator is evolving.
Pediatric annals 39 (5), 262, 264; author reply 264-262, 264; author reply 264
Impact of an innovative CD‐ROM on ambulatory teaching
PO Ozuah, M Reznik, MC Ottolini, L Greenberg
Medical education 44 (5), 517-518
Peer-facilitated virtual action learning: reflecting on critical incidents during a Pediatric Clerkship
MM Plack, M Driscoll, M Marquez, L Greenberg
Academic pediatrics 10 (2), 146-152
Student Perceptions of Effectiveness of the Eight Step Preceptor (ESP) Model in the Ambulatory Setting
MC Ottolini, PO Ozuah, N Mirza, LW Greenberg
Teaching and learning in medicine 22 (2), 97-101
Perspective: Successfully negotiating the clerkship years of medical school: A guide for medical students, implications for residents and faculty
L Greenberg, B Blatt
Academic Medicine 85 (4), 706-709
Teaching scholarship and the clinician/educator.
L Greenberg, J Bickel
Pediatric annals 39 (2), 106-110
Medical Education
L Greenberg
Pediatric annals 39 (2), 53-55
Medical Education-All physicians are teachers, and many see educating others as an opportunity to give back and remain connected to the field of medical education. It is incumbent upon all health professionals to apply effective teaching techniques. Bringing about change is another part of medical education. The physician as an educator can serve as a catalyst for change—Within the student, the hospital, and the practice.
L Greenberg
Pediatric Annals 39 (2)
Prolonged Bottle-Feeding in Mexican-American Toddlers: Occult Blood Loss in Excessive Milk Ingestion
L Greenberg
Academic pediatrics 9 (3), 201
Verbal interaction analysis: Viewing feedback through a different lens
B Blatt, S Confessore, G Kallenberg, L Greenberg
Teaching and learning in medicine 20 (4), 329-333
Use of stealth standardized patients in evaluating and teaching trainees
L Greenberg
Ambulatory Pediatrics 8 (2), 143
A review of medical school programs that train medical students as teachers (MED-SATS)
LM Pasquinelli, LW Greenberg
Teaching and learning in medicine 20 (1), 73-81